Biomethane – give it some gas as you go green

#biomethane I Discover your decarbonisation potential

By using biomethane, you directly increase the share of renewable energies in your energy portfolio. Purchase part of your gas requirements as biomethane and decarbonize your company simply and effectively in the areas of heat, waste heat, and process energy. You will benefit from our many years of trading expertise in the German and European markets. We sound out for you which biomethane quotas are available when and at what prices in the short and medium term and procure them for you.

Worthwhile additional effect

When using German biomethane, the continuously increasing CO2 emission costs from the SESTA or the EU ETS can be significantly reduced by the end of 2022 according to the current legal situation.

Biomethane – give it some gas as you go green

Market situation and procurement of biomethane

Without the massive expansion of renewable energies, we will not achieve the net zero target in 2045. This applies not only to wind power and photovoltaics, but also to biogas produced from natural sources such as energy crops, liquid manure, dung, biowaste and organic residues, which is processed into biomethane and used instead of natural gas, for example, to generate heat.

However, the European market for biomethane is currently still very fragmented, and the available capacities and trading volumes are also limited due to the natural resource constraints for biomass. Numerous small and medium-sized suppliers as well as complex regulatory framework conditions at national and international level increase the demands on procurement and risk management.

Therefore, take advantage of our expertise and secure biomethane quotas at an early stage, depending on the market situation. Due to the political framework conditions, we expect demand for renewable energy sources such as biomethane to increase in the medium term, leading to a significantly higher price level.

Biomethane certificates as an option?

Certificates can also be an option for decarbonising your natural gas purchases. Please contact us.


What we offer you:

  • Proportionate or complete decarbonisation of your gas supply
  • Procurement of currently available biomethane quotas
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements

What you get out of it:

The production of biomethane will increase continuously in the coming years due to the expected demand. However, since the currently available quotas are still limited, it is worthwhile to act now in order to sustainably reduce climate-damagingCO2 emissions. Take the opportunity and arrange your personal expert meeting today.

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