Green electricity from hydropower

#wasserkraft I Renewable energy from stable and CO2-free generation

Benefit from the natural power of water and secureCO2-free, base-load-capable energy to sustainably decarbonize your company's portfolio. Our more than 180 hydropower plants in Germany and Sweden with a total generation capacity of 14 terawatt hours (TWh) ensure a reliable supply at all times. We offer some of our green electricity with TÜV certification and guaranteed guarantees of origin.

Advantage: Stable availability at all times

While the generation of renewable energy from wind and solar power is subject to natural weather-related fluctuations, renewable and emission-free electricity generated from hydropower is available at all times and thus one hundred percent base-load capable. In addition, it is possible to switch between electricity production and storage via pumped storage power plants in order to provide demand-based balancing energy to secure or restore grid stability.

Central building block of the green energy future

By operating 109 hydroelectric power plants in Germany along the rivers Lech, Isar, Danube, Main and some lakes, which produce green energy with almost zero emissions, we harness the natural power of water over more than 1,000 km. With a total of 2 gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity, Uniper is one of the largest operators of hydropower plants in Germany.


In Sweden, which is considered one of the industrialised nations with the smallest carbon footprint in the world, we operate 76 additional hydropower plants with a capacity of 1.7 GW. Hydropower generation in Scandinavia holds great potential for shaping an ecologically and economically successful green energy future. The more water that hits a turbine from as high a head as possible, the higher the energy production. Therefore, the Swedish landscapes with pronounced differences in gradient and a lot of precipitation offer ideal conditions for generating electricity from hydropower.


In Sweden, which is considered one of the industrialised nations with the smallest carbon footprint in the world, we operate 76 additional hydropower plants with a capacity of 1.7 GW. Hydropower generation in Scandinavia holds great potential for shaping an ecologically and economically successful green energy future. The more water that hits a turbine from as high a head as possible, the higher the energy production. Therefore, the Swedish landscapes with pronounced differences in gradient and a lot of precipitation offer ideal conditions for generating electricity from hydropower.


What we offer you:

  • Green electricity from German and Swedish hydropower plants
  • Generated regeneratively and almost completely CO2-free
  • TÜV-certified with guaranteed proof of origin
  • Base-load capable and grid-stabilising at all times

What you get out of it:

Even with a massive expansion of generation capacities from wind power and photovoltaics, we expect an increasing demand for regeneratively generated energy from hydropower in the near future, as only this is stably available at all times and guarantees grid stability. Therefore, take the opportunity and arrange your personal expert discussion today.

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