Decarb Roadmap - Your Green Compass

#decarbroadmap | Together we are steering towards climate neutrality

Net Zero by 2045, that is the target for our country and the economy. But how can your company successfully master this challenge? The resulting questions are becoming more and more pressing. Together we will find suitable answers and create an individual roadmap for the systematic decarbonisation of your company based on our 3-phase model. Because if you want to operate in a completely climate-neutral way by 2045, you have to set the sails correctly now. Change course and steer towards Net Zero with our green compass.

Read what will be important for companies in 2024.
We have compiled the most important factors for you in a handy and compact format in an exclusive e-paper.

Climate neutral by 2045 - how is your company positioned?

3-phase model for systematic decarbonisation

The more questions arise, the greater the need for action: How do we have to position ourselves as a company in order to operate in a climate-neutral manner by 2045 at the latest? Where are the emission drivers hidden? Can we save CO2 immediately and benefit from current subsidies? How do we develop a long-term strategy? We know the challenges involved in answering these questions, especially for large and energy-intensive companies.

That is why we not only create a Decarb roadmap tailored to your company, but also define concrete measures right from the start and implement them together.

On this Net Zero path, we take into account your business objectives including the long-term investment framework as well as internal and external resources, calculate profitability scenarios, agree on interim targets and conduct regular performance reviews.

Sounds promising? It is. In order to do justice to all this, we have developed an effective 3-phase model with which we systematically accompany your decarbonisation journey from the very beginning and continuously drive it forward. In the process, you benefit from both your individual decarb roadmap and our numerous green products and services. See for yourself.  

Phase 1 + 2 - Development of a decarbonisation strategy

In these two phases, close coordination takes place with regard to your existing corporate goals as well as implementation within the affected areas through internal and external communication solutions.

  • Determination of the existing CO2 reduction potential
  • Inclusion of internal and external framework conditions
  • Identification of immediate measures that can be implemented in a cost-neutral manner
  • Derive appropriate decarbonisation measures
  • Agreement on intermediate goals
  • Creation of a decarb roadmap for the implementation of the measures, possible alternatives as well as the financial scenarios in the area of long-term investments (CAPEX).

Phase 3 - Planning and implementation of decarbonisation measures

In this phase, current political and regulatory changes, financial support initiatives, the prices of the respective energy carriers and emission rights as well as technological developments, such as in the hydrogen sector, are continuously included.

  • Detailed planning and implementation of the measures defined in the first two phases, including the necessary regulatory steps (approvals, application for funding, verification and documentation requirements, etc.).
  • Regular review of the fulfilment of the intermediate objectives
  • Updating and optimising the measures as well as the CAPEX requirements with the greatest possible CO2 savings
  • Planning of accompanying communication measures for marketing and positioning purposes
Energy efficiency

What we offer you:

  • Development of an individual decarb roadmap for your company
  • Derivation of concrete measures including prioritisation based on the comparison of costs and CO2 reduction potential (abatement cost curve)
  • Detailed planning and implementation of the agreed measures
  • Regular updating of the Decarb roadmap based on new developments (laws, technology, market)
  • Continuous monitoring & reporting

What you get out of it:

  • Individuality > Detailed roadmap with the goal of Net Zero
  • Effectiveness > data-based priority list with economically feasible decarbonisation measures
  • Continuity > regular analysis and optimisation of measures
  • Up-to-dateness > Continuous adaptation to political, technological and market-specific developments
  • Conformity > Consideration of legal and industry-specific regulations

And in the future, of course: climate neutrality

Together we bring and keep you on track

In advance as a matter of principle, then in detail and concretely, but in any case personally. As a strong and reliable energy partner, we are already pursuing our own Net Zero strategy until 2035 and are consistently aligning our actions as well as our products and services accordingly. Take advantage of this competitive edge and arrange an initial expert meeting today.

Up to 60,000 euros in funding

The BMWi funds the preparation of transformation concepts for a long-term decarbonisation strategy with a funding rate of 50 percent of the eligible costs.